Beauty is within grasp

I have the house to myself tonight, the boys are already in bed and I am itching to get a little project I designed today started.

Actually, I am literally itching. Joe has had nits and now my skin is crawling. It’s no good. I’ll have to check my hair yet again!

Right, I’m back.

I’ve been developing (doesn’t that sound grand!) some ‘iron on’ transfer stitcheries for a while now and this morning I finally got everything in place and working- it’s been an extremely long process, which I have no intention of boring you with. 

But today it worked. 

And my head is full of possibilities and imaginings… could be a late night.

Here is my first stitchery design.

I’ve been thinking about weeds and how pretty they actually are.

About how I should notice the beauty in everyday things more often (that blog certainly helps with that).

This to my mind, is a beautiful dandelion. 

I drew round the real leaves, there is no point in re-inventing the wheel.

It’s ready to be blown. Do your children love to do that too? They must do.

I wonder how many generations of children have blown dandelions?

Right, I’m off to sit and stitch in front of a cheesy film, with some white wine and birthday chocolate and when Tony gets home I will say in all honesty (but not with a straight face) that I have been working all evening.


PS. Naturally the car failed it’s MOT, the parts took 4 days to arrive and then 2 hours to fit and cost £279… I better had start thinking dandelions are beautiful. They’ll be no roses round here for a while!





4 Responses to “Beauty is within grasp”

  1. hazeljoy Says:
    July 9th, 2008 at 10:25 pm

    hey you! that most certainly is work. and good, fun work at that. so there. and i feel for you on the mot front. they’re crappy aren’t they? xx

  2. Dad Says:
    July 10th, 2008 at 7:30 am

    Nits, eh. My scalp is itching just thinking about them.
    Lovely drawing Janet. A weed is only an unwanted flower. Our garden is full of them!!

  3. julia Says:
    July 10th, 2008 at 9:10 am

    you’re right on the beauty of everyday things. Usually we don’t take the time to really see and appreciate them. Stitching them should be a very good way to get to know them.
    Nits make my skin crawl, too. We’re having issues with some kind of microscopic spider hopping out of the grass and onto us, feeding on my skincells. I think it’s sickening to imagine, but there is nothing to be done about it. And it itches….yucky

  4. Mary Says:
    July 10th, 2008 at 11:38 am

    You are such a wonderful and creative artist Janet.

    Nits though are truly hideous! The kids have only had them once this year. So far!

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