It’s my turn to be Head Blockhead this week! And we’re going to be making zig-zag blocks.
I’ve kept the pieces small because it’s important to have a variety of sizes and scales in a sampler quilt so it’s interesting to make and also to look at. Our zig-zag blocks will add energy and a sense of fun!

I chose to make the half square triangles using the ‘8 at a time’ method, which really speeds things up. You’ll have half square triangles leftover but I’m sure they’ll come in handy for later blocks.
The following tutorial is for one inch finished half square triangles. This method of making half square triangles leaves you with a lot of bias edges which can stretch out of shape very easily. Starching your fabric before you begin will help enormously as will handling your half square triangles as little as possible.
To make 8 half square triangles take two x 4 inch squares (one dark, one light or as you wish)
Draw both the diagonal lines on the reverse of the palest square.

Put pretty sides together and stitch a scant quarter inch away on both sides of the drawn diagonal lines.

Now cut your squares in half vertically and half again horizontally.

Cut again on each of your drawn diagonal lines. You will now have 8 half square triangles.

Press well. Trim to 1 1/2 inches unfinished.
Arrange your half square triangles as you wish and stitch carefully together.

Stand back and admire your handiwork and never point out your mistakes!
Download Block 26 – Zig Zags here
It’s so much fun stitching along with you all! I’m really happy with my blocks so far! I haven’t got a layout planned, I’m just going to see where this adventure takes me and make it work from there.
The indigo and cream rows above my Blockhead blocks is ‘Twenty twenty’ my free quilt-along for all members of my email club.

Keep up to date with all that is happening at Janet Clare on Instagram.
Thanks for the pattern!
Thank you so much for the pattern!
thank for the pattern and information on how to make the zig zag
I love patterns that take concentration…and little pieces. I tried the starch method for the first time and it worked better than I expected. Thank you for the awesome block.