Block 12 – ‘Hampshire Star’

Welcome Block Headers!

Let me introduce myself;  I’m Janet and live in Hampshire, England with my husband, Tony, our teenage sons and a dog called Betty. Tony runs our quilting design business and is affectionately known as ‘Chief of Everything’ because that’s what he does!

Betty, Janet and the Chief of Everything at the studio

We are lucky to live an hour from London and the seaside and can be in open countryside in half an hour. Hampshire has also had some very famous residents including Jane Austen who wrote ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and made a quilt here:

Jane Austen’s House Museum in Chawton, Hampshire

Equally famous but completely fictitious residents also live close by at Highclere Castle (the real Downton Abbey)

Highclere Castle - home to Downton Abbey residents

It’s a very nice place to call home!

You can see what we get up to, our beautiful studio and all my creative projects on Facebook and Instagram. And do join our email club and get a free block of the month! This year’s quilt is called ‘Twenty Twenty’ and currently looks like this:

Janet Clare -TwentyTwenty - First Three Sections - Sign up!

And now, on to the reason you’re all here! I’m really enjoying seeing all your blocks on the Block Heads Facebook group page and one thing I keep noticing is how very different the same block looks depending on the placement of the fabrics chosen. You can really change the whole effect of a block just by switching the tonal placements.

So, I thought it would be fun to cut my squares and make my half square triangles (HST) and then keep re-arranging them to see what variations I could come up with. I am using my upcoming ‘Geometry’ fabric collection which we hope will be available to purchase later this month (April 2020). You need four distinct tones to make the most striking blocks.

I have used the same set of units for each the following designs though in some cases I have shuffled and rotated some of the squares and HSTs so two of the layouts do differ a little from the one shown in the pattern. Here they are:

Block Heads 3 - Block 12 - 'Hampshire Star' -  Layout 1
This follows the pattern layout
Block Heads 3 - Block 12 - 'Hampshire Star' -  Layout 2
and so does this one
Block Heads 3 - Block 12 - 'Hampshire Star' -  Layout 3
In this layout, some squares and HSTs have been shuffled and rotated
Block Heads 3 - Block 12 - 'Hampshire Star' -  Layout 4
This layout differs from pattern too, but still uses all the same units!

In the end, I settled on this design!

Block Heads 3 - Block 12 - 'Hampshire Star' -  Final Layout
This is close to the unit layout in pattern, with just eight HSTs rotated!

I’ve popped this onto my design wall in the studio along with the other Block Head 3 blocks and my ‘Twenty Twenty’ quilt-along.

Janet Clare's Studio Design Wall

I’m also thinking about making a ‘Hampshire Star’ quilt, I will post some ideas when I have given it a bit more thought. You can follow my progress on Instagram.

Thank you for being a Moda Block Head!

41 Responses

  1. Hi Janet! Thank you for sharing where you live. It is beautiful and so interesting. I would love to live in such an historical location. Your block is beautiful and I love how you showed us several different ways to make the block look using all the same pieces. Thank you for sharing your talents with us Blockheads.

  2. Oh Janet, your block is going to br such fun top play with! Thank you for your generosity. I love putting the rows from your tow along with it as well!!!

  3. I love your all your blocks and how you arranged all your half square triangles! I do love your fabric line too! Thank you for the free patterns! I just signed up via email!

  4. Your block is wonderful; I love the blue/green combination! Thanks for designing this great block.

  5. HI Janet, Good morning. Just wanted to say I love your fabric looking forward to its release, Thank you for your fun block and sharing a bit about you, your a lucky girl ! have a great week.

  6. Good morning from Canada. I must certainly do this block. I lived in Aldershot as a child and have fun memories. Thank you for this adaptive block.

  7. I absolutely loved the different versions of this block. Each is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Thank you for a lovely block. Looking forward to making it today! What a wonderful place you love. Beautiful countryside.

  9. I really like this block but I’m making 8″ blocks. I sure hope I don’t screw it up as this will be a real challenge for me. I guess I should be positive and say thank goodness I’m not doing the 6″ blocks. Gave a great day and stay well.

  10. Now I’m tempted to do a whole panel using all the different colorways, love this & thank you!

  11. Hi. I love all of your variations, but am trying to do 10″ blocks. Any instructions for a newbie for that size of a block?

    1. Morning Lise. As the block is 8 x 8 units, each unit needs to be 1 1/4″ finished for it to end up 10″ x 10″. As such, cut your squares to 1 3/4″ and we’d suggest making HST pairs starting with 2 3/4″ squares, trimming your HST units to 1 3/4″ before assembling the block. Hope this helps! Tony

  12. Such a versatile lively block. Ok autocorrect- I meant to say lovely but it is indeed lively too! Thank you Janet! Happy Wednesday

  13. Beautiful block and so is Betty. Is she a flat coated retriever? Thank you for the block and I’ll be watching to see more of your fabrics.

    1. Betty (who got me up at 5 am for no good reason!) is half flat coat retriever and half springer spaniel.

  14. Good afternoon, it’s 12 noon here in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA and I’m having lunch enjoying your article with the photos. Downton Abby is one of my favorite, and I’ve see a massive amount ofJane Austen movies, I’ve seen Sense and Sensibility about 25 times and still cry ? ant certain scenes, also have read the various books and love them all. I’m sure your countryside is lush green with flowers ? Popping over the fields, if not, that’s how I imagine your scenery. Thank you for your block for us Blockheads 3 lovers. I appreciate you sharing your designs, as well as a bit of personal info with us, I really have mastered HST and am always on the lookout for new designs. Take care and be safe.

  15. Delighted to find the Hampshire Star. I was born and raised in Hampshire, Portsmouth/Southampton and country areas around, Hayling Island. Now living in Alberta, Canada, with my family.
    wondering exactly where you live. I am in my 80’s, have sewed all my life.

    1. sorry you’re having trouble. I just opened the pdf from my computer so can’t see where the problem lies. Moda will publish the link to the facebook page today and you should be able to access it there. If you have any further problems you can always email me

  16. Thank you for introducing yourself. I love the pictures you posted of your homeland. Your blocks are all beautiful. I would love to win the ebook because I wasn’t aware of the Blockheads sew-a-longs. I would at least have the same book to make blocks. They are all beautiful.

  17. I love green and with the dark and light blue it was wow for me how you used the fabric for the block.

  18. I enjoy seeing how fabric placement & repositioning some of the block elements changes the look so much-one thing I love about quilt making. Lovely photos of your countryside! Can’t wait for Geometry!

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