The sun shone today for the first time in weeks.

Cheering me up and enabling me to take some photos of my new skirt.

It’s a Noa Noa skirt found on the rails of my local charity shop for a mere £2.50.

And whilst it was certainly a bargain, it wasn’t exactly an interesting skirt.

But it is now thanks to another of Henry’s doodles (we think this one’s a cat, but he can’t remember) and a few minutes stitching.

I’ve just realised that I’m dressed head to toe in second hand clothes today.

Wool cardi = £2.50, Spotty t shirt 75p and knee length wool skirt= £2.50.

A new to me outfit for only £5.75.

So, now I’m wondering if any of you can beat that?



7 Responses

  1. No, even with my thrifty finds I can’t beat that, although am about to convert a charity shop tank top into a sleeveless cardy…I hope!

  2. Hi Janet, can’t beat that, but did find £64.oo worth of Debbie bliss pure cashmere yarn for £2.00 in a charity shop at the weekend. I jsut need to work out what to do with it besides stroke it lovingly.

  3. I can’t beat you. But I do have a girl friend that will walk in and I say “oh, I like your bag, or shirt or shoes”. And invariably she will say, “Yard sale – twentyfive cents”. Sometimes the “score” is totally amazing. Just like you today with all of your clothes from the thrift store.
    Your Henry is very clever!!!!

  4. Buying second hand things makes me feel very smug and self satisfied. I buy clothes for the children mainly. I’m a big girl so rarely find anything decent big enough for me but love buying crockery and linen and books.
    Looks like Henry is going to be a chip off the old block! (Henry is such a cool name by the way.)

  5. No way I can beat that, and no way I could get hold of such a good cat, either.
    Maybe one day I will accept your invitation, just to coax Henry into giving me one of his drawings.
    The other day one of my best friends went to the market and got olives for 2,50 Euros and a sweater for 2,00 Euros. Sincen then she thinks there’s something wrong with the world.

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