empty nest

The 6.30 alarm was a bit of a shock this morning, a rude awakening.

Every holiday I think about all the work I could and should be doing and how nice it will be to get back to it, and then I spend the first day of term drifting round the house feeling lost.

So, I’m going to bake fairy cakes for the boys and push reality away for another hour. And then, I’ll answer my emails. I promise.

2 Responses to “empty nest”

  1. PendleStitches Says:
    April 15th, 2013 at 2:21 pm

    I know the feeling…although thankfully my two go back over two days. And tomorrow is busy. So hopefully by the time I get to a quiet day I’ll be ready for it. Although fairy cakes may now have to feature in my week.

  2. Sasha Says:
    April 16th, 2013 at 8:40 am

    That’s what I’m faced with today! Now to ramble about the house a bit doing bits and bobs and lots of really nothing at all!

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